Monday, July 1, 2013

July 1 2013

Mmm hmm. So today you get an email on Monday, because we had to come to town to pick up our subsistence money for the month. Sorry for the jumping around :P you never know when an email might come.
It feels like you guys get to see Emily and Tyson pretty often. I guess you're rich because none of the kids are home now huh? :P
I can buy toilet paper here haha don't worry about that. But I'm fine with waiting for the package. It's probably good that I'll get a little break from the last package haha.
The baptism went alright, only a few members came to the baptism, but I felt like it was really good for Brother Kobbie.

Mm my health is alright with the normal missionary work, but if I go beyond that I get tired really quickly.
This is a different Brother Emmanuel ( Like everyone is named Emmanuel here), but he's still progressing well. He came to church this Sunday and will be baptized in the next couple weeks.
We're also planning for Brother Martin to either be baptized this week or next week.. He showed up to church after sacrament and has been a bit hard to get time with him to teach, but he has a job now so he'll stay in Odoben until December at least and then will move to a place in Accra where the church is.
Brother Robert came to the baptism which was cool. He's been having a hard time believing in Christ, but I feel like his faith is growing a bit. The baptism he was a bit uneasy with because the members came late ( Ghanains are always late. They get to work like 2 hours late haha). Then it was my fault with the person who was baptizing. He was a recent convert and he didn't know he had to say any words when he baptized someone.. So we had to switch for someone else. But Brother Robert said he'll come to church next week which is good news because he's never said he'd actually come before.
We met with a Less Active Recent Convert and had a really good lesson and helped her to understand the importance of the restored gospel and she was planning to come to church, but I guess then her mom had her come to her church.. I really thought she was actually going to come.
I got to play the piano while we were waiting for the baptismal font to fill up. It sure felt nice. My companion fell asleep listening to me play.
On Sunday we woke up to blasting music in our apartment compound. They were having a baby blessing. They sure love blasting music in Ghana.
We met a new girl named Sister Joyce, she was really excited for us to come and teach her. She told us she would come to church, but then ended up not coming. Hopefully in the future it will go somewhere though.
As an apartment our water tank is getting lower and lower. We're starting to think we won't even have any water to fetch even from our well. Soo we'll see what adventure comes up in these coming months.
At the mission conference I talked to Elder T Adair and we made a deal for his guitar. Another missionary is going to have it one transfer after he leaves and then I'll get it for the rest of my mission for 15 Cedi. Sounded good to me. I can't believe he's leaving next transfer though along with Elder Kitchen.
Elder Saili is going home in a week now, I don't know if I already told you about him. He's from Samoa. Along with Elder Kinikini and Elder Abioye who were the old AP's. They gave powerful testimonies.
Well love you all Hope everything is Sweet at home
Elder Adair

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