Monday, March 17, 2014

March 17 2014

I'm coming home, I'm coming home. Tell the world I'm coming home. See you Wednesday. Love you :)

Monday, March 10, 2014

March 10 2014

Hey mom sorry I think my time is coming to a close.
But yes I've been keeping focused for this last week. I am getting excited to come back home though.
This week Bro Amoahko and his wife progressed really well and came to visit the church and they loved it. The Branch President is his Uncle and he has a brother in the church, so if they keep responding how they've been I definitely think they will become members. Even his wife made us some rice and stew the last time we taught them so that is a really good sign. I was soo excited to see them show up for church. It definitely feels good when you see the hard work you put in getting results. I won't get to see the end results before I leave, but it's looking really good. And the Branch President has been helping us alot in sitting down for the lessons and bearing testimony and then his brother bringing them to church - Members sitting in for lessons with their friends and bearing their testimonies and even them picking up investigators is definitely the most effective way for missionary work.
Next Monday I will go to the mission home and we'll do a little devotional and have a dinner there. We'll sleep over there. The next day we will go to the Temple and then drive to the airport and then I'll take off that night. I was excited to see the new temple video but I guess Ghana still hasn't gotten the new temple video yet.
Oh man that will be strange to start sleeping with a blanket again! Haha oh boy that will be interesting to be in my own room again as well. I imagine I'll be weirded out walking at the airport alone as well.
Sweet that will be a sweet lesson on the Sacrament. The sacrament really is so special, and it's definitely given me a lot of strength in focusing on the things that matter most.
It's alright I'm pretty sure giving a 15 minute talk will be a piece of cake. I feel like I have a greater understanding of the gospel as well now so that helps a lot.
Yes I'm not sure if I'll get to email next week.
Wow you've done a great job at emailing mom! Sorry I wasn't perfect at it!
Love you! See you Next week! Ah!
Elder Adair

Monday, March 3, 2014

March 3 2013

Hey that's a cool idea with the flat stanley thing. Ya hopefully it will get here fast enough.
Haha he finally was feeling well and then on Saturday he got sick again, but now he seems to be doing fine haha.
I don't really know what I want to do when I first get home. I'm sure just being home will be exciting. I figure play it by ear. I've been starting to remember a little bit of what it's like back home so I'm freaking out a little bit with my mind about to be blown of how advanced the technology is back home. I have a feeling it's going to be a little bit like coming back from a 2 year scout camp haha.
If I heard right I'll be home on the 19th of March at 10:20a.m.? is that right? What do my flight plans say?
It definitely doesn't feel real that I'm coming back home. I'm sure it will just feel like a dream that I'm back for a couple weeks.
Mm yes we've been eating Fufu and Banku, Egg Sandwiches and sadly Indomie (Top Ramen) for lunch haha it's a good thing I'm about to have a solid diet again haha.
Haha so you're saying that Jaxon was sleeping on the floor under the tent without a bed? That's funny. That's smart of Emily to make the tent over the bed in the first place.
Sweet! So Cherish will stay close to home?! Ah man she's got to get that house.
And cool so I'll get to see Brandon on the weekend? sweet!

This week for Ghana
Bro Ahin (a just recently returned missionary) has been trying to help us out a lot. He took us to his friends Bro Richard, Bro Sagoe, and Bro Yeboah. He's a really sweet guy and has a strong testimony of the gospel. He also had his mom prepare the 4 missionaries in our area Fufu with Light Soup.
When we taught Bro Sagoe he seemed very sincere though. I loved it when we taught him the Restoration and about Joseph Smith at the end he said he didn't know how to pray so we taught him how to pray and he gave just a super sincere prayer about whether our message was true. I hope that he will progress. He seems like he will be sincere in coming to know if our message is true though.
Sis Abigail was progressing really well and feeling that our message was true and she promised to come to church, but ended up not coming. So we'll just have to keep trying.
Well my times up sorry just short :P Love you.